
Tantrum Taming


It was time to leave my parents house,

(AKA “Ryan’s house” after my 18-year-old brother)

And to put away the elaborate teddy bear picnic in the living room.

Young C was missing his afternoon nap yesterday.

That’s for sure.

There were tears and there was yelling.

Lots of wailing and I’m pretty sure some jumping up and down.

I told him to sit by himself on the stairs and try to get a grip while I tidied up.

He was still sniffling all the way out to the car.

Then, as I was buckling up Reenie, he said,

“Next time we go to Ryan’s house, Mom, I will try to be patient.”

He conquered his emotions and I am so proud.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

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