The Best Bib I Don’t Have Anymore

Product Review

I’m a few weeks into the not-so-solid feeding phase and still trying to catch my rhythm. The eternal and unsolvable problem when it comes to infant care is that you need to do things right away if you ever want to keep on top of it all. But infants are such babies and they really have no patience at all. So more often than not I finish spooning the pureed goop from bowl to baby and barely have time to walk the bowl to the dishwasher before L’il I is screeching and kicking and looking for an escape hatch. And Young C will usually pick this time to yell “Poo!” and starting running around in circles. I yank L’il I out of her highchair, toss her bib on the counter, kick the stepstool over to the toilet and chant “Run, run, run!” I’ll wind up wiping her face in the bathroom and then putting her down for a nap and trying to sneak in a little laptop-time while C (hopefully) amuses himself.

The next meal-time, then, starts off with a lot of cursing under my breath while I try to wipe/scrape dried up baby goop off all surfaces. That is why this was the best bib I ever owned:


It was a soft, foldable, rollable rubber bib that wiped right off. You could even emerge it right in the dishwater and dry it with a tea towel. I used it three times a day for months. And I don’t have it anymore. Boo hoo. The saddest part is that I did have it. I held onto it until just a couple months ago when I noticed that it had torn, just a little, around the pocket part. I’ll get a new one, I thought, because this is likely to keep tearing. And I threw it out.

Second baby and all, I wasn’t fully on top of the bib situation when Li’ll I started solids. I have a few cloth bibs, so I was using those but you really need, like, a million to get you through the week. I still hadn’t managed to make the ridiculously short trek down to Diaper-eeze, where I bought the bib almost three years ago, when I found myself in another shop with store credit to burn. So I bought a wipable bib that is plastic and nylon and has pretty dots on it. And it’s okay, I guess. But it’s not really submergable and the pocket isn’t as good at catching hunks of food and I think it will start to get dingy sooner or later.

I have a hard time justify spening more than $10 on a bib more than once per baby, though, so I might be stuck with it. Also, I can’t find the old bib on the Diaper-eeze website and I don’t remember who made it, so I’m worried it might be hard to come by. Still, I’m sure I’ll be taking a walk through Bloor West Village sooner or later and I’ll try to remember to pop in and ask about that bib. It was really, really good.

Update: I just remembered who makes the bib! It’s Kiddopotamus.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

2 replies on “The Best Bib I Don’t Have Anymore”

Hey I got one for E today @ toysrus for less than 10 bucks! Believe it or not, Dr Farber said we should start cereal (at 5 months no less!) … I’m waiting until we’re back from Vancouver tho’

Thanks for the tip. I’ll check out Toysrus. (Though I’m worried about phthalates or whatever now.
Hungry boy you have there!

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