
The Good Boss

I looked up to the top of the slide,

And there was my little boy,

Explaining how it was all going down.

First, he would roll the little green tractor down the slide,

And then, “We’ll all go down after it!”

The other three boys nodded excitedly.

They all rushed back to the top and this time it was somebody else’s turn.

“OK, now you push it down and you slide down first.”

He even made them wait for his little sister to catch up.

“Irene! Irene! Irene!”

They were all calling for her as she made her way to the slide.

Again and again,

Colum directed the little game,

Making sure everyone had a turn,

And they all played happily.

I worry about him being a loner,

But maybe he just needs to be a leader.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.