
The New Etiquette, Family Style

We stayed over with some friends last weekend and spent a nice long evening preparing dinner and sipping wine and catching up. When it was finally ready we set the table and served up generous portions of beef and mushroom stew, beets, carrots and salad to two four-year olds, two two-year olds and four adults.

The stew was good. And then it was gone. We joked about how it was a good thing we didn’t invite my sister over after all and then about how you could make a good portion out of the kids’ leftovers. We laughed it off and kept chatting. Finally, I reached over and pulled Colum’s plate toward me. In an instant my friend grabbed her daughter’s plate and we happily threw good manners out the window. Did I mention the stew was good?

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.