
This Year, Man. I Swear.


  • Lose more weight
  • Write more sentences
  • Make more money
  • Do more dishes

I have been walking five miles a day — at least — ever since Ed returned to work after Mary’s birth. That’s five days a week for ten weeks for a grand total of 250 miles. I walk with a baby strapped to my chest and a three year old in a stroller and I walk fast. I walk fast and hard and my muscles ache and my shirt gets drenched with sweat. I walk up and down hills and have worn a hole in the heel of my left shoe. And I have not lost a single pound. NOT ONE LOUSY POUND!

So, as much as I love aching muscles and sweaty pit-stained shirts, I’m going to have to take this in another direction. From January 1st to February 10 (which is 1.5 weeks before Lent when I’ll give up something again) I’m staying away from sweets. That means no more cookies, cakes, tarts, pies, squares or anything full of empty calories that I’m tempted to grab because I haven’t had time to feed myself properly. And, in anticipation of the annual deep freeze, I’m swapping my daily walk for a thrice weekly go on my parents exercise bike. Guys, I had better lose a pound, or thirty.

My dad would always say he needed to write a sentence and then we could go to the park, the grocery store, my grandparent’s house or wherever. In fact, he still does. Because you can’t write a novel in any given moment, but you might be able to manage a sentence. I have three young kids with no child care and no housekeeper; I’m lucky if I can hammer out a blog post in one sitting. I just need to focus on using the time I do have, naps and evenings and weekends, to write one sentence at a time. I’m not working on a novel at the moment, but I may get there yet.

I was able to find the New Yorker fiction issue cover on the right thanks to the miracle of the internet. It’s from 1995, so I was just 17 when it came out, but it made a lasting impression. Here it is, New Year’s Eve, and while everyone else is partying, the writer keeps writing. I can hear my neighbours partying, their recycling bin slamming shut and laughter and music wafting, as I type. Someone once said on Twitter (and I paraphrase): If you can imagine doing anything else at all besides writing, you should go ahead and do that. If you cannot, then write.

Just one more nugget about writing as it pertains to parenthood. I had a grad student friend with an infant who said Margaret Laurence did all her writing between the hours of 10pm and 2am, after her children were asleep. My friend was lamenting her own inability to get by on so little sleep. I actually do all right burning the candle on both end, so maybe I should really considering knocking off a couple novels in the middle of the night rather than watching Law and Order reruns and tweeting shit out to my two followers in Australia. I couldn’t find a quote from Margaret Laurence talking about writing around her children, but I did find this one:  “When I say “work” I only mean writing. Everything else is just odd jobs.”

I suppose it would look better for me to resolve to spend more time cuddling with my children. Or, to give more to charity. Or, to take in sick puppies. But guess what? I can’t do any of those things unless I make more money. Money, money, money, money! Being a grown up adult with a house and children and a car (omg, the car) is expensive and I really need to clock more than two or three billable hours per week. Mary’s almost four months old *sputter* and I should be able to get her settled into a more predictable nap routine. It’s time for me to hustle up more paying gigs — as many as possible — and give this professional writing thing a real go. (See above. As though you just skipped to this paragraph.)

That last one was just a joke. It’s not physically possible for me to do any more dishes than I already do. Nothing short of starting to express milk into bottles and having to make my own baby food in the near future could possibly create more dirty dishes than I already have. I’m so screwed.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

7 replies on “This Year, Man. I Swear.”

I get the whole frustration over walking. I speed skate twice a week and sometimes the effort of trying to keep up with the others makes me want to vomit. Yet, not a pound lost. BUT then one day as I was squatting, probably to pick up a piece of chocolate I dropped, I realized that my thighs were as hard as rock. They’re covered in a layer of fat but underneath, those babies are solid. I bet if you look at your first day of walking and compare it to your last walk, you’ve come very far (not just in miles).

It will be this year, it will. Can’t swear to it (even though I swear a lot) but if there’s going to be a year to do it, this is the one. Happy New Year! (and uh… how did Mary get to be almost 4mths already?)

I need to join you in a few of these….
The weight is NOT coming off and I am convinced it is what I eat. Like Sharon, I can see lots of improvements in my strength and fitness but sadly am not the skinny 20 smthg I once was. sweets are my downfall.
FWIW I takes me years to get my act together after having kids. I find the whole adjustment very difficult. That’s why mat leave used to be 6 mo and is now a year. Give yourself a break! It will all come. A six month old is very different from a one year old. It keeps getting easier imo. You will get there.
My baby is now 4.5 and last year was hard but now I have accepted that I do my work at night instead of watching TV. I got my last exams marked this morning. Happy New Year!

Putting your intentions in writing is the first step…so I’m told. :) You have some serious motivation behind you so I know you can do it.

Wishing you all the success you can handle. And some extra to stretch beyond the comfort zone too. :)

Hmmmmm ~ muscle weighs more than fat! Believe it & you’ve got have really great muscles by now. One thing I have heard is you’ve got to change it up every now & then, speedwise – it has a more positive impact on your outcome. If you work up to a really fast hard pace, your metabolism adjusts to the rate & clocks it as normal … so keep adjusting every few minutes. Hang in there ~ you are doing great things!!! :)

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