
View From Here

I am really going to miss this view from my back deck.

It’s so cool, so urban, and it makes me think I could jump over rooftops if I needed to.


When we move to the new house,

In another two months,

I am really going to miss this view from my back deck.

It’s so cool, so urban, and it makes me think I could jump over rooftops if I needed to.

Roof topsThis next view, however,

I won’t miss so much.

Parking LotNot that we will be missing out on raw, urban industry,

Nestled between Keele St. and two rail lines and silos and factories.

I promise there are parks nearby, too.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

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