
Because there always has to be that one kid doing her own thing, right?

Because there always has to be that one kid doing her own thing, right?

Not counting the mandatory square dance unit in my all-girl school grade-nine gym class — that was time well spent — I haven’t taken a dance class in my life. My extracurriculars were confined to figure skating, swimming, girl guides, one week of basketball camp and more than a few dodgy day camps run by hungover teenagers. That was it.

My first two kids do all the same activities because I am nothing if not streamlined. So that’s two kids in hockey and t-ball and swimming and zero kids in dance. Fine by me.

But it just so happens that there’s a nursery school program run by a local children’s dance centre. It’s wonderful, lovely, amazing; you should sign your kids up now. Half-day care a couple times a week was exactly what I needed to fill in my childcare gaps. Perfect. They do typical nursery school activities like crafts and singalongs and a lot of dancing. Sure, sounds good. Whatever. I’m in it for the childcare.

The last week before Christmas break there was a little show for family members in the studio. It was totally casual. Just show up a few minutes early and the kiddies will do a little routine. The kids were off school that day so we all went and sat down on mats on the floor, ready to absorb the cuteness. Cue the music! Aaaand … Mary ran over, crawled into my lap and refused to join in until it was time to take a bow.


Signed, The mothereffing dish fairy

Signed, The mothereffing dish fairy

To the person who loaded the dishwasher three quarters full and then left it all night:

Really? There are three children and two adults in this house and you couldn’t find anything else to shove in there? No pot lids? Coffee pots? Stray mugs or glasses? Containers full of rotten food in the fridge? Yesterday’s lunch boxes? Plastic toys? Scrub brushes? Anything?! I dream that one day I, too, shall find nothing more that could use a run through the dishwasher and then I shall lie down and die.


9 time-saving tips parents can actually use

1. Vacuum up Rainbow Loom elastics directly from their packaging.

Time-saving tips parents can actually use

2. Buy new socks. Take half the pairs and immediately throw one sock into the garbage. Run the other half over rusty nails.

Time-saving tips parents can actually use


On parenting and living in fear

I’m often surprised by how different people try to parent their teenagers. They either seem astonishingly naive or unbearably controlling. Don’t they remember what it was like? Instagram and Snapchat or not, teenagers have always been teenagers. Maybe this is because my kids aren’t there yet and I can’t quite understand their position. Maybe it’s because these parents are often ten or fifteen years older than me and they really can’t remember their teen years as well. Maybe it’s because my teen years were more wild than theirs and I can’t be shocked.

But I was a bit shocked when I caught up with an old friend over the weekend and she vowed to never let her daughters do some of the things we did. Not to put too fine a point on it, but our parents didn’t exactly “let” us do those things either. How did that turn out? I expect my kids will do those sorts of things. I also expect I won’t like it very much either.


A mild rant about the Beyonce-Jay Z linkbait used to shame me

Something happened to me last week and I’m still annoyed. I’m bothered enough, in fact, to write this blog post about it. I should probably be writing a humdinger of a post that employs insight, humour and the parenting issue du jour ,and wraps it all up in an eminently shareable package that will garner crazy mad pageviews. That’s what I usually do. But today I just want to complain on my blog and not even bother with a big shiny image and the perfect metadiscription, like it’s 2008 or something.

Here’s what happened.

I was messing around on Facebook because I was either procrastinating or taking a break when a link caught my attention. It said something like, Following the Jay Z and Solange saga? Want to see even more pictures? Clearly the answer was YES. There are more pictures?! I only thought there was a video. This is going to be perfect. I can’t think of a better way to trick myself into thinking that I’m not actually avoiding work than by staring vacantly at more pictures of the Knowles family.

You would have done the same thing.

But there were no more Jay Z pictures. There was only an overly moralized scolding about how we’re not paying attention to the important things in the world and then there were pictures taken from other news stories this past week. There were pictures about the kidnapped Nigerian girls and of arrested Iranian youths and, I don’t know, like, Vladimir Putin or something. I didn’t really look.

At first I was mildly disappointed and then I was slightly annoyed. Then I became downright irked. You didn’t just use Beyonce-Jay Z linkbait to shame me, did you? Why don’t you just rip the magazine out of people’s hands at the coffee shop and ask why they’re not reading real literature?  There are people right now playing volleyball at the beach instead of volunteering at soup kitchens. Quick, set up a beach volleyball league so you can lecture everyone who shows up about how selfish they are and throw aprons at them.

I will not even get into the hypocrisy of using the entertainment news story of the day to score pageviews for your own website and then scolding people for falling for it.

But it’s not just this one story. I don’t even remember what it was or how it came into my Facebook feed. It’s several times a day across various social media platforms people complaining about how the rest of us are shallow, celeb hungry idiots who aren’t paying attention to the real news and issues and events. Even if we do start talking about a serious news story, the choir comes out wonder why we only care about this story and not that story or that other one.

If there are important issues and stories some people wish would get more attention, I don’t understand why they don’t just start talking about those issues. Do they think tricking people into listening to them and then smearing them with shame is a more effective tactic?

Are we not allowed to do both? To sit down quietly and catch up on all the important world news stories that are reported on faithfully by all the major news organizations every single day AND ALSO to steal five minutes of mindless pleasure scrolling Facebook for baby pictures and celebrity gossip?

What else is the point of the internet?

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I have a secret reward in my freezer and that’s not even a euphemism

Super big thanks to Lean Cuisine for sponsoring this rambling walk down memory lane. Who knew I had so much to say about frozen dinners? Make sure to check out the Lean Cuisine Rewards program that allows you to collect PIN codes from each meal that will earn you all kinds of amazing rewards from entrées to tablets and beyond.

I have a secret reward in my freezer and that's not even a euphemism

“You can’t have a treat everyday,” I tell my kids.

Of course, that’s a big fat lie. Whether it’s a glass of wine or a specialty coffee, I manage to reward myself with a little something almost everyday. And my latest obsession? Dinner for one after everybody’s gone to sleep. That’s right, I kid you not. A Lean Cuisine in your freezer can make your day.

I can tell you all about when I had my first frozen dinner. My mom was working the late shift as an emerg receptionist at Sick Kids hospital and my brother and I were hanging out with my dad.

“Tonight,” said my dad, “We’re having TV dinners.”

He’d been talking about these TV dinners for a couple weeks. He thought we’d get a kick out of them; the little compartments for meat and veggies,  creamy mashed potatoes and even a teensy little dessert. So this one night he finally picked up three of these dinners at the supermarket and then proceeded to heat them up in the oven for 35 minutes.

Dudes. I don’t even know why they bothered inventing frozen meals before they invented the microwave. Just cook something, for crying out loud.


Team snacks can suck it

Team snacks can suck it.

 Image source.

I checked my email this morning and, hidden halfway through a message about t-ball practice, were the words every parent dreads to hear: “The team-snack schedule is up.” Am I right or am I right!? Fine, I’ve been parenting from behind a back-lit screen long enough to know that many people seem to like team snacks just fine. They buy into mythological ideals like “nutrition” and “community”. They believe there is some sort of correlation between parental anguish and a happy childhood. They are delusional.

Here’s the real lowdown on team snacks.

Myth: Team snacks help foster a sense of community and team spirit.

Reality*: After a grueling hour and a half of doodling in the dirt while waiting for her turn at bat and then letting ground balls dribble all the way out to right field where they’ll finally be picked up and thrown short of first base, your child will line up to shake hands with the opposing team. Then there’s a team meeting during which a good coach will make everybody feel great about the game they just played. THIS IS WHERE the team spirit and community happens. Finally, the kids will spill off the playing field and make off with whatever snacks are on offer, dispersing in all directions while they gobble them up.

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Learning to drive took me forever

This post is brought to you by the Sign the Pledge campaign hosted by

Remember the first time you tried to drive?

Image source.

The first time I held the steering wheel of a moving vehicle, I couldn’t have been more than five or six. I sat on my dad’s lap and helped him steer while we made lazy turns around the residential side streets near our house. It was the early 80s and we weren’t overly concerned with seatbelts. Air bags weren’t even a thing yet.

There were also countless miles logged on family road trips that kept us driving into the wee hours of the night before pulling over to sleep at the side of the road, to occasionally pitch a tent in a camp site and to sometimes even check into a lonely motel. My dad to taught my brother and I to read all the highway signs, keep our eyes alert to changes in the road markings and know exactly what they meant.

So by the time I had my first driving lesson as a teen, I was pretty sure I had this driving thing in the bag. Seriously, have you even seen me on the bumper cars? I’m amazing. My dad took me down to Cherry Beach and had me drive the old Chevy Malibu (or was it the Buick Skylark?) around the old industrial streets and over the rickety drawbridges. The car was so old and the power steering so far gone that I had to use some muscle to keep the car on course. I still remember the thrill of steering a newer car years later for the first time. So this is how easy it could be!


Not what moms want

I get many emails in the weeks leading up to Mother’s Day telling me about various products and services that might make good gifts for moms. I guess this is because everybody knows that the only way people are going to know what to get for their mom is if their mom tells them what to get. AND THANK GOODNESS FOR THAT or else we’d all be bombarded with crap like this. These are real products, designed and produced with moms in mind.

The line at the Goodwill drop-off door would be around the block. Our faces would cramp under the strain of all that fake smiling. We’d cry. These are not what moms want.

3D laser images of our children suspended in a hunk of glass.



Addiction stories don’t get fairy-tale endings: Rob Ford and Peaches

Rob Ford

Twitter threw one hell of a wake last night. (It was good enough, in fact, to make you wonder if the eulogy published on The Atlantic earlier in the day might not be a bit premature.)

Rob Ford was the main draw for me, as I scrolled down looking for reactions to the early news that he was going to seek help. But the Raptors were also lighting up the court in a playoff game against the Nets, there were two Twitter parties being thrown by people I know and many more people were tweeting about the Mom 2.0 Summit. My feed was on fire.

But the news kept on keeping on, like a giant flood of bad trips that we’d all blacked out but could recognize as soon as we heard about them. The mayor at a dive strip-mall bar, the mayor gay bashing, the mayor making crude comments about Karen Stintz, the mayor digging deep into his repository of ethnic slurs and coming out with Dago.