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The Tech Timeout Challenge

Thank you to Foresters for sponsoring this post.

“Can I just watch Wild Kratts?” Colum said, already halfway to the TV.

“Dinner is going to be ready in, like, five minutes. So I don’t think —”

The TV was turned on and Irene instantly materialized to join him. Well, fine.

“Mary,” I called down to the playroom. “You want to watch TV with Colum? You want to see some animals on TV? Mary likes animals.”

She’s really too young to be downstairs by herself and I was trying to get dinner finished.I strained the pasta and then, just before adding the penne to the sauteed veggies, I picked up my phone and checked in with Twitter. I replied to a couple people and double checked that I hadn’t missed any important emails at the end of the business day.

“Guys, dinners ready.”


“Dinner’s ready! It’s served! Guys!”




“Pause that show. Dinner is ready.”


They all came tumbling into the kitchen and climbed onto their stools. Mary and Irene both ate the noodles and sausage, ignoring the perfectly seasoned Ontario asparagus, what is their problem, and red pepper. Then Irene was suddenly back in the living room with the TV and Colum was about to abandon his own meal half-eaten to join her.

“No,” I said and marched over to the TV. “Nobody gets to watch anything until everybody is finished eating. And then you can finish this episode and that is it.”

They watched the rest of the show and then an episode of Doc McStuffins, I think. I don’t know. I was on my phone.

Not pictured: The glow of the tablet streaming Netflix on Irene’s lap.

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Fun Mealtimes

Life with kids isn’t all bad. Shocker, I know! When we do manage to all finally sit down together as a family for a meal it’s often a great time to connect, have fun and make special memories.

The second post based on the conversation I had with Calgary radio host and DadCAMP blogger, Buzz Bishop, and Laura O’Rourke of Mommy Miracles focuses on those good times and is live at the The All Good Blog by McCain.

I’m so glad I was reminded of this family dinner moment:

Once my 4yo started launching into a story about an assembly at school and how she’d seen her brother there. He chimed in about how he’d seen her too and how they’d waved. It was this long winding narrative that they were telling together and they were both so happy about it and I felt like it was a pivotal moment for sibling bonding.

Seeing my kids develop their own special relationships with one another is possibly my favourite thing.

Go read the rest!


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Things You Need to Buy at Costco Because You Shop at Costco

At the risk of hurting my hip, urban family image (just play along), I will admit that I shop at Costco. That’s right, I’m a member. Every year I agonize over whether the membership fees are worth it but I am drawn to the big boxes of breakfast cereal, bundles of colourful kids’ socks and cheap diapers.

So I trek out the burbs every so often to stock up on staples and see what they have on sale. Then I bring it all home and try to figure out where to put it. Clearly I need some of these to save even more money.

A fridge-sized freezer. Nothing will ever go bad again. Not that you would actually eat anything you find at the back of this beast. But the electricity bill alone will cut your Costco visits in half. Think of the savings.


Use Twitter To Interact. Gasp.

Apologies to the majority of my readers who couldn’t care less about Twitter. I will have something entertaining up shortly but right now I have to rant.

I had a few spare moments the other night, so I checked in with Twitter. I keep one private list for my favourite Twitter people and everybody else just falls into my default feed. (Of course you are on the list. You don’t even have to ask.) I am pretty much done with listing, grouping, circling or otherwise classifying everybody I have ever interacted with. Who has time for that?

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Destination Unstoppable

This post is part of‘s support of the Dove® Unstoppable Moms for Unstoppable Girls Contest. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors. Go to to enter by sharing how you inspire girls to reach their full potential.

I held the tray full of drinks up over my head and turned sideways. Gently laying a hand on the back in front of me — no sudden moves, please — I slid effortlessly through the crowded dance floor. Winding my way past tables and through the narrow crevices between one group of friends and another, I found my way to the right spot, traded my full glasses for empty ones, and turned back to do my server’s ballet once more.

Being thin was about more than just looks for me. It informed how I moved and how I experienced the world. It was simply how I was built and I never had to worry about it one way or the other.

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Top 10 Places I Hide From My Children

10. In bed.

image source

Yeah right. They suss me out every morning no matter how hard I pretend to still be asleep.

9. The bathroom.


This is a classic. Bring your phone, a book, a magazine and a selection of forbidden treats. Of course, I never get more than three minutes tops before a toddler is climbing onto my lap and another kid is dragging a collection of scarves in for me to untangle.


Stuff I’m Digging: Posterjack

This is a picture of Irene taken by a photographer from Mango Studios in Toronto at a recent family wedding. Isn’t it wonderful?  When the bride shared the wedding photos on Facebook, I promised myself I’d look into getting it printed.

Realistically, I probably never would have been organized enough to do so if I didn’t hear from Posterjack. They turn your photos into wonderful posters printed on paper, canvas, posterboards, acrylic, metal and more. They offered me a credit to try out their product and I jumped at the chance.  

Food and Travel

This Is Not A Recipe: Guacamole

I was going to try to do something different with this bag of avocados. I know they are delicious in salads and sliced onto sandwiches. I could probably come up with a dozen easy ways to incorporate them into everyday dishes.

But first I would have to resist the temptation to turn them into guacamole. That, I am not capable of.

So here’s how to make easy guacamole with whatever you have around.

You know how to get the pit out, right? Whack it with a knife and then, once the knife is lodged into the pit, twist.

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Stress-Free Family Dinners

So, family meals. Stressful or not? Ha!

I got to chat with Buzz Bishop, Calgary radio host and DadCAMP blogger, and Laura O’Rourke of Mommy Miracles about family meals the other day. It was a fun talk and I may have even picked up a few tips. 

Of course, you know me. No picture-perfect family dinners here.

There are days when we are all yelling at each other at the table and I find that if I just put everything into perspective and let the 4yo leave the table and not worry about the 6yo eating with his hands and let the 1.5yo eat off my plate, life is generally better.

Check out the rest at The All Good Blog by McCain!


Skipping or Something Like It

So, yeah, I’ve been working out. And by working out, I mean skipping. True story.

I’m not naturally a huge fitness freak, believe it or not. There’s my signature blend of laziness and procrastination, for one. And my incredible powers of justification, for another. (Like, why bother working out at all when there’s a small chance the baby weight will just melt off of its own accord when you wean in 18 short months?) I also know that what others call a “runner’s high” or “feeling good,” is actually the experience of your muscles seizing up, your heart pounding out a speed metal solo, your lungs being set on fire and the taste of blood in your mouth.