We take day trips to Niagara Falls a couple times a year. Right after Irene was born, we bought a car and realized it was only an hour away in good traffic. I’ve spent more time than that on the TTC! So every once in a while, on one of those increasingly rare weekend days with nothing scheduled, we’ll look up over brunch and say, “Hey, wanna go to the Falls?” And we pile everyone into the car, find cheap parking in the town, walk around, spend very little money and drag our weary bodies back into the car way after bedtime, saying, “One day, we’ll spend the night here. One day.”
Friends, that day has come. Or rather, it came and went a couple weeks ago. But I am here to tell you about it!
The Courtyard by Marriott in Niagara Falls offered to put my gang up for a night and I scrambled to accept the offer. We snagged the Friday night before the Labour Day long weekend and set out to ensure the roughest first week of school possible make the most of every last minute of summer vacation. We planned to get away first thing on Friday, but when you’re packing three kids for the weekend, you leave when you leave. We arrived mid-afternoon and I sprinted through the lobby to the nearest bathroom because that’s what life is like when you go on a road trip after birthing three children and drink a lot of coffee.